Star Wars: Red Peace is a scenario written by Justin Alexander for the Force & Destiny RPG by Fantasy Flight Games. Justin quite strongly disliked the rule system, and I’m a big fan of the Cypher System and so I have converted the scenario to that system instead. As posted previously, I use a ‘Range… Continue reading Star Wars: Red Peace – Cypher Range Maps
1.7a The Struggles of Stelmane – Setup
This adventure remixes The Struggles of Stelmane by Matthew Whitby*. While that adventure is fantastic, it’s set at too high of a level to really be useful during a typical Descent into Avernus campaign (levels 6-7). It’s also entirely linear, with just 3 scenes that lead from one to the next. Please do pick up… Continue reading 1.7a The Struggles of Stelmane – Setup
Timekeeping in West Marches campaigns
The inspiration for this post comes from reading Papier und Spiele’s article on West Marches campaigns. While a fantastic intro to what makes a West Marches campaign (and why not all hexcrawls are ‘West Marches’), one of the most interesting parts of the article is the discussion on timekeeping. To briefly summarise, a West Marches… Continue reading Timekeeping in West Marches campaigns
On ‘Bait and Switch’ Campaigns
‘Bait and Switch’ is the term used for campaigns that present themselves as one thing, such as Criminal Mind style agents solving crimes, and then suddenly changes to another, such as Delta Green where you’re being hunted by Lovecraftian monsters. Or how about a game where you start playing as sword and sorcery heroes, but… Continue reading On ‘Bait and Switch’ Campaigns
Rusted Veins Remix – Part 2: Storyteller Info
The following information provides a high-level overview of the entire chronicle. You probably want this front and centre when you are running the session as it’s helpful to reference throughout every scene. The following info is a very basic run down of the city of Gary, the coterie (the PC group), Prince Modius, Baron Juggler,… Continue reading Rusted Veins Remix – Part 2: Storyteller Info