1.4c Baldur’s Mouth Newspaper Templates

Okay, so we now have a comprehensive list of Main Rumours and Background Rumours in Baldur’s Gate. Yet how can we get these into the players hands? Well, you can do so literally by making props / handouts! Baldur’s Mouth is a canonical newspaper printed and distributed in Baldur’s Gate. You can find a full… Continue reading 1.4c Baldur’s Mouth Newspaper Templates

1.4b Baldur’s Gate Background Rumours

These are events that don’t directly tie into the main story, or what your PCs are doing, but provide colour and flavour to the setting. These are the side stories in the newspaper that make them feel more real, or the random conversation in taverns, shops, parties etc. All of these background events use the… Continue reading 1.4b Baldur’s Gate Background Rumours

1.4a Baldur’s Gate Main Rumours

Here are the major events you may want to think about creating rumours about. Don’t forget to include anything specific to your game, such as things the PCs have done which might be causing rumours or news. Elturel has been destroyed What happened to Elturel? Justin Alexander covers this in Rumours of Elturel. Simply pick… Continue reading 1.4a Baldur’s Gate Main Rumours

1.4 Rumours in Baldur’s Gate

There are a lot of things happening at the start of Descent into Avernus, some of which the players aren’t even aware of. There are likely many rumours flying around and it is a good idea to vary how you deliver them. While some of this can be presented via NPC exposition and dialogue, it… Continue reading 1.4 Rumours in Baldur’s Gate

1.3e Day 7, 8, 9 & 10

Day 7 Afternoon: Goblin Ambush Overview As the caravan travels continue along the Chionthar they enter back into a woodland area. Unfortunately, this is the home of the Black Fang Clan of goblins who have laid an ambush to try and steal supplies. It’s important to remember that the goblins aren’t look for a fight… Continue reading 1.3e Day 7, 8, 9 & 10