The inspiration for this post comes from reading Papier und Spiele’s article on West Marches campaigns. While a fantastic intro to what makes a West Marches campaign (and why not all hexcrawls are ‘West Marches’), one of the most interesting parts of the article is the discussion on timekeeping. To briefly summarise, a West Marches… Continue reading Timekeeping in West Marches campaigns
Category: Advice
On ‘Bait and Switch’ Campaigns
‘Bait and Switch’ is the term used for campaigns that present themselves as one thing, such as Criminal Mind style agents solving crimes, and then suddenly changes to another, such as Delta Green where you’re being hunted by Lovecraftian monsters. Or how about a game where you start playing as sword and sorcery heroes, but… Continue reading On ‘Bait and Switch’ Campaigns
The Agenda & Principles to Becoming a Better GM
One of the most important RPGs ever to be released is Apocalypse World by D. Vincent Baker and Meguey Baker. First released in 2010, it has spawned a whole genre of RPGs said to be “Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA)”, such as Dungeon World, Monster of the Week, City of Mist and Blades in the… Continue reading The Agenda & Principles to Becoming a Better GM
How to play more tabletop RPGs
You hear people in this hobby say time and time again “I wish I could play more!” You might have even said those words yourself. There is a whole laundry list of barriers to playing more sessions. ‘Real life’ responsibilities, lack of GMs running games, and just not knowing anyone to play with all get… Continue reading How to play more tabletop RPGs