Descent into Avernus has one of the single worst openings of any module I have ever read. I am not even exaggerating. It literally forces you to care about some city you aren’t even in, or possibly in any way connected to. If you refuse, then the quest giver sends murder squads after you until… Continue reading 1.1 The Fall of Elturel
Tag: 5e
Devil Deals – Bargain-Basement Death Saves
One of the optional rules in Chapter 3: Avernus is Bargain Basement Death Saves (page 78, Descent into Avernus). The concept is that if a character fails a Death Saving Throw in the Nine Hells, an archdevil may telepathically contact them and offer to save them from death if they agree to do some undisclosed… Continue reading Devil Deals – Bargain-Basement Death Saves
Descent into Avernus – Extra Content
Table of Contents I’ll be back filling in these over time, so if an article isn’t linked yet I just haven’t got around to writing it yet! If the article is linked but not yet accessible, that means it is currently in Early Access for my Patrons – join today for instant access to all… Continue reading Descent into Avernus – Extra Content