Star Wars: Red Peace is a scenario written by Justin Alexander for the Force & Destiny RPG by Fantasy Flight Games. Justin quite strongly disliked the rule system, and I’m a big fan of the Cypher System and so I have converted the scenario to that system instead. As posted previously, I use a ‘Range… Continue reading Star Wars: Red Peace – Cypher Range Maps
Tag: Cypher System
Cypher System Range Map
Range Maps:– Blank– Star Wars: Red Peace While I love ‘Theatre of the Mind’ play, where there’s no gridded battlemap and everyone tries to picture the scene in their head… it sometimes just isn’t practical. There’s simply too many details for the players to keep in their minds accurately. Some games support playing mapless more… Continue reading Cypher System Range Map
Ptolus Campaign Themes
Note: These articles will contain spoilers for Ptolus. Ptolus is a sprawling city, packed to the brim with evocative locations, interesting characters and compelling plot hooks. So how exactly do you even begin to run a game in such a developed and dense location? Well, Monte Cook’s advice is to weave together a campaign using… Continue reading Ptolus Campaign Themes