This adventure remixes The Struggles of Stelmane by Matthew Whitby*. While that adventure is fantastic, it’s set at too high of a level to really be useful during a typical Descent into Avernus campaign (levels 6-7). It’s also entirely linear, with just 3 scenes that lead from one to the next. Please do pick up… Continue reading 1.7a The Struggles of Stelmane – Setup
Tag: D&D
1.6c – Dara’s Intervention
Devils are loose in Baldur’s Gate, attacking a warehouse en masse in broad daylight. A pit fiend, one of the most fearsome devil types to exist, is about to unleash hell upon the city streets. What hope have mortals got? Fortunately, the gods have not left events entirely in earthly hands. Setup As established in… Continue reading 1.6c – Dara’s Intervention
1.6b – Lucille’s Invasion
We established last time via the Assassin’s Handout that there will soon be a devil invasion into Baldur’s Gate. These devils are led by the pit fiend Lucille and seek to kill one of the PCs, Wellum Smith and Sergren Hall – all of whom are either current Elturian knights or their descendants. To do… Continue reading 1.6b – Lucille’s Invasion
1.6a Assault on Stormshore Warehouse – Setup
Stormshore Warehouse serves as a way of keeping Dara’s Refugees relevant once the PCs enter Baldur’s Gate. After all, just reaching the city of Baldur’s Gate is not guaranteed safety at the best of times, let alone with the current crisis. Yet how do we actually setup this new content within the existing Extra Content… Continue reading 1.6a Assault on Stormshore Warehouse – Setup
1.6 Assault on Stormshore Warehouse
After the assassination of Duke Portyr in Remixing Avernus – Part 3J: Portyr Assassination the PCs learn that their refugee friends are in danger. Rushing back to the Stormshore Warehouse where their refugee allies have been staying, the PCs (hopefully) have a few minutes to prepare their defences, before the Cult of Zariel attacks. Yet… Continue reading 1.6 Assault on Stormshore Warehouse